Star Wars: Uncut is an ambitious feature length fan film that recreates the original film, Star Wars IV (aka A New Hope), shot-by-shot, in 15 second increments, each done separately.
Working as a developer at the video sharing website Vimeo, Casey Pugh became interested in "using the internet as a tool for crowdsourcing user content." We think he hit the mark.
Casey took the entirety of the original Star Wars film and split it into 15 second clips. He then took to the Internet, asking fans around the globe to pick a segment and film it however they want. In cutting it back together, Star Wars: Uncut is on the way to becoming a completely unique fan film, mixing the talents, creativity and ingenuity of Star Wars fans everywhere. Live action, animation, scale models, CGI, and backyard effects are sure to make this one hell of an experience.
It's like a patchwork quilt of 15-second windows into radically different interpretations of the film (472 to be exact). It's hard not to imagine what the film would be like redone completely in any given style. Pretty damn cool.
Apparently, the final film is finished but they're dealing with legal issues as you might imagine. In the meantime you can check out individual scenes or a short cut of the top rated segments at the official website.
It's an amazing testament to the DIY sci-fi ethic, to the devotion of Star Wars fans and to the bulging pallets of spare time stacked by the gross in sci-fi geekdom.
This has got to be one of the coolest things in the galaxy. BRAVO!!!!
Posted by: Tom Durham | 09/13/2010 at 08:50 AM